Housing Element


The new 2021-2029 Housing Element was certified and adopted in 2022. 

2021-2029 Housing Element (click here)

Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (Subsequent EIR) for the RHNA Rezoning project is now available for public review and comment: click here to view the document.  

The Housing Element is part of the City’s General Plan and must be updated every eight years. The City’s Housing Element performs the following functions:

  • Analyzes the City’s demographics, economics and housing supply
  • Analyzes housing constraints and resources
  • Evaluates sites appropriate for potential housing
  • Develops housing goals, objectives, policies, and programs

The “Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA)” is the method by which the State estimates each region’s housing needs for all income groups. The current 6th Cycle update presents new challenges to all jurisdictions across the State, including: the increase in RHNA dwelling unit allocations to local jurisdictions; strict housing site eligibility requirements; and new housing laws that address local policies aimed at managing growth. 

Housing Element Requirements

The Housing Element must be consistent with statewide housing laws, housing element guidelines, and applicable goals and policies in the California Government Code. The City’s Housing Element must clearly demonstrate that Redlands has sufficient capacity to accommodate the number of housing units identified in the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). The City is not required to build housing projects, but must plan to provide appropriate land area (including zoning) that will be needed to accommodate future housing projects by private developers. 

For the current RHNA cycle, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) provided the RHNA allocation number to the City of Redlands for the 2021-2029 period consisting of the following household income levels:

  • Very-low income: 967 units
  • Low income: 615 units
  • Moderate income: 652 units
  • Above-moderate income: 1,282 units
  • Total RHNA allocation: 3,516 units

Additional information about RHNA can be found at the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) website and at the California Department of Housing and Community Development website

Certification by HCD 

The California Department of Housing & Community Development (HCD) certified the final 2021-2029 Housing Element on October 7, 2022. The city’s current Housing Element is in compliance with State law. 

HCD Certification letter dated October 7, 2022 (click here)

2021-2029 Housing Element

The City Council adopted the HCD-approved Housing Element on October 4, 2022 (Resolution No. 8392). 

Complete document: 2021-2029 Housing Element

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Housing Needs Assessment

Chapter 3: Housing Resources & Sites Inventory

Chapter 4: Constraints

Chapter 5: Quantified Objectives, Housing Goals, Policies, and Programs

Chapter 6: Review of Past Accomplishments

Chapter 7: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing 

Appendix A: Site Inventory Map

Appendix B: Site Inventory List

Appendix C: Community Engagement 

Appendix D: Zoning Code Abbreviations

Housing Sites Inventory Map

This map identifies potential sites available for affordable housing projects.

Approximately 24 properties will need to have the zoning designation changed (highlighted in Red on the map) to allow for residential development, referred to as the “Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) Rezoning Project.” This RHNA Rezoning is identified as Program No. 1.1-1 in the Housing Element’s work program (beginning on page 147 of the 2021-2029 Housing Element). For more information, please contact Kevin Beery, Senior Planner, at ‘kbeery@cityofredlands.org‘ or call (909) 798-7555 ext. 2.

Housing Sites Inventory Map (click here) 

Hint:  To have different layers turn off/on, click on the Layers button inside the toolbar at upper right corner.
To select a different base map (such as  ‘Imagery Hybrid’ for an aerial photo), click on Basemaps button inside toolbar at upper right corner.

Graphic showing image of Housing Sites Inventory Map.

RHNA Rezoning

Approximately 26 properties in Redlands will need to have their zoning designations changed (highlighted in Red on the Housing Sites Inventory Map) to allow for residential development, referred to as the “Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) Rezoning Project.” The subject properties are shown on the maps below. 

Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (Subsequent EIR) is now available for public review and comment until March 7, 2025: click here to view the document.  

This RHNA Rezoning project is identified as Program No. 1.1-1 in the 2021-2029 Housing Element’s work program (beginning on page 147 of the Housing Element), and is a requirement from the Calif. Dept. of Housing & Community Development to maintain certification of the adopted Housing Element.

For more information about the RHNA Rezoning project, please contact Kevin Beery, Senior Planner, at ‘kbeery@cityofredlands.org‘ or call (909) 798-7555 ext. 2.

A Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (Subsequent EIR) has been prepared for this project, and is expected to be released for public review & comment beginning on January 22, 2025 (through March 7, 2025). The documents will be posted to the Environmental Review page (click here for link)

Location map showing properties to be rezoned.


Graphic showing image of Housing Sites Inventory Map.


Zoning map showing proposed new zone designations.


Zoning map showing proposed new zone designations.

Development Impact Fees

For further information about current Development Impact Fees (DIF) including the nexus study, please go to the Municipal Utilities & Engineering Department webpage here:   


The new construction of an Accessory Dwelling Unit (“ADU”) on an existing residential property is an important strategy for providing more affordable housing units throughout the city. Existing structures such as a garage (either attached or detached) may be able to be converted into an ADU. Another potential option is the creation of a Junior ADU within an existing house.

To learn more about the different types of ADUs and general requirements, please go to our ADU webpage (click here)