Specific Plans and Community Plans
This page provides links to the Transit Villages Specific Plan, the East Valley Corridor Specific Plan, other specific plans, and other area plans such as the Sustainable Mobility Plan and the Redlands Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan.
A Specific Plan is a document that establishes the unique development standards and other development regulations for a specifically-defined geographical area within the City. Specific Plans usually supplement or replace the city’s Zoning Map due to a desire to have special development and design standards for that particular area. For example, the Downtown Specific Plan is one of the most important in Redlands, as its boundaries contain numerous historical buildings and other prominent features critical to the city’s history and legacy that are worthy of special Planning efforts.
The photo at the left shows a citrus packing plant at the peak of the agricultural industry in Redlands during the late 1800s and early 1900s. The Mutual Orange Distributors Packing Plant located at 330 West Third Street (Historic Resource #132) is in the heart of downtown within the Transit Villages Specific Plan, and was among several packing plants downtown near numerous rail spurs adjacent to the historic Santa Fe Depot.
Please refer to the City’s online Zone Map to identify the areas subject to a specific plan.
Any proposed Specific Plans and any proposed amendments must be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to a decision by the City Council. Any specific plan can be amended by the City Council. If you wish to amend a Specific Plan, you must submit an application and the required application fees. The process will include reviews by the Development Review Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council. A Socio-Economic Cost/Benefit Analysis may be required for a Specific Plan or an amendment. A potential applicant should speak with staff to discuss their proposal prior to submitting an application. For an explanation of the steps and meetings involved, please refer to the Development and Entitlement Process page.
Transit Villages Specific Plan
The Transit Villages Specific Plan (Specific Plan No. 65) was approved and adopted by the Redlands City Council on October 18, 2022. The related update to the City’s official Zone Map (Ordinance No. 2947) was approved by City Council on November 1, 2022, and became effective on December 1, 2022.
Click here to go to the Transit Villages Plan webpage and the Specific Plan chapters.
East Valley Corridor Specific Plan
The East Valley Corridor Specific Plan is the largest Specific
Plan in the City, by land area, and its geographic area is
generally bounded by the following streets.
South boundary: Barton Rd., between the west City limits and
Alabama St.
West boundary: the westerly City limits between Barton Rd.
and I-10
North boundaries: near the I-10 and I-210
interchange, and north to the Santa Ana River Wash
(easterly side of I-210)
East boundaries: Tennessee St. (where southerly of
I-10); and New York St. and Texas St. (where northerly of
Click here to go to the City’s online Zone Map.
Table of Contents, and Amendments
Division 1 - General Provisions
Division 3 - Land Use
Sections from Division 3:
Division 3 - Land Use Map (current)
EV/AP - Administrative Professional
EV/CG - General Commercial
EV/CN - Neighborhood Commercial
EV/CR - Regional Commercial
EV/IC - Commercial Industrial
EV/IP - Public Institutional
EV/IR - Regional Industrial
EV/SD - Special Development
EV/SRP - Science Research Park
EV/TC - Commercial Transition
EV/MF 2500 - Multifamily Residential
EV/MF 3000 - Multifamily Residential
EV/SF - Single Family Residential
EV/OS - Open Space
Division 4 - Community Design
Sections from Division 4:
Architectural Guidelines and F.A.R.
Freeway Setbacks & Landscape
Landscape and Tree Lists
Landscape Standards
Landscaping for Parking Areas
Parking and Loading Standards
Screening, Fences and Walls
Site Grading
Special Landscaped Intersections
Special Landscaped Streets
Sign Regulations
(click here for link to Sign Code)
All illuminated signs are to be
internally-illuminated – see Section EV4.0215(g)
Division 5 - Overlay Districts
Division 6 - Community Facilities
East Valley Corridor Specific Plan EIR
Planned Development processing procedures – see Council Resolution No. 5116
Additional Specific Plans
For information about other Specific Plans identified on the Zoning Map, please contact Planning staff during regular business hours. Click here to go to the online Zone Map.
Specific Plan 23
Specific Plan 25
Specific Plan 26
Specific Plan 29
Specific Plan 32
Specific Plan 33
Specific Plan 40 “East Valley Corridor Specific Plan” -
click on tab above
Specific Plan 41
Specific Plan 42
Specific Plan 43
Specific Plan 45 – repealed (see Specific Plan 65)
Specific Plan 47
Specific Plan 54
Specific Plan 56
Specific Plan 59
Specific Plan 60
Specific Plan 61
Specific Plan 62
Specific Plan 64
Specific Plan 65: Transit
Villages Specific Plan
Specific Plan 66
Concept Plan No. 1
Concept Plan No. 2
Concept Plan No. 4
Redlands Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan
The main goal of the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) is to protect the public health, safety, and welfare by ensuring the continued operation of Redlands Municipal Airport and the adoption of land use measures that minimize the public’s exposure to extensive noise and safety hazards within areas around the airport. The City of Redlands reviews land use compatibility issues for development surrounding airports including safety, noise, overflight, and airspace protection. These compatibility issues are identified and analyzed in the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) and implementation of the ALUCP promotes compatible development around the airports as well as ensures sustainability of the airport.
Zones Map
Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan
Noise Contours Map
Compatibility Review: Projects subject to compatibility review include the following types of major development (ALUCP section 1.5.2):
- Any project requiring a General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, or zoning ordinance amendment;
- Proposed residential development, including land divisions, consisting of five or more dwelling units or parcels;
- Building permit applications for projects having a valuation greater than $1,000,000;
- Major capital improvements (e.g., water, sewer, or roads) which would promote urban uses in undeveloped or agricultural areas;
- Requests for variance from height limits established by local zoning ordinance;
- Regardless of location within the City of Redlands, any proposal for construction or alteration of a structure (including antennas) taller than 200 feet above the ground level at the site; or,
- Any other proposed land use action, as determined by the local planning agency, involving questionable compatibility with airport activities.
Project Submittal Information: See ALUCP section 1.5.3 for the submittal information required from applicants of Major Development Projects.
New Residential Subdivisions: For information regarding signage and marketing disclosure requirements for new residential development located within the Redlands Airport Influence Area, go to Chapter 17.28 (click here) of the Redlands Municipal Code.
FAA Review: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Obstruction Evaluation Division (click here) provides a Notice Criteria Tool online (click here) to assist developers with determining appropriate structure height in the vicinity of local airports, and if an aeronautical study (prepared by the FAA) will be necessary. Filers must be registered as a user on the FAA website, and will need to provide the following information regarding the project:
- Developer’s name and contact information (correspondence will be emailed to developer);
- Latitude and longitude of the project site (point data is available from Google Maps – must convert data to Degrees/Minutes/Seconds);
- Proposed site spot elevation based on the grading plan (i.e., at the highest point of the project site nearest the airport on which the structure is to be placed); and,
- Highest point of the roof of the proposed structure based on the architectural elevations (i.e., highest point of the structure nearest the runway).
If multiple structures are proposed, then each structure should be screened and evaluated separately. If an aeronautical study is required (to be prepared by the FAA), the developer should file with the FAA while early in the development review process. Developers needing advice or assistance with this process may hire a qualified airport consultant.
Airport Master Plan: For information about airport operations (on the airport property itself) or future plans for improvements to the airport property itself, go to the webpage for the Redlands Municipal Airport (by the Facilities & Community Services Department).
Sustainable Mobility Plan
Sustainable Mobility Plan (click here)
The Sustainable Mobility Plan promotes citywide walking, biking, and transit connections for all residents, including communities that currently have limited access and choices. It outlines a strategy that includes balancing street design for use by people, cars, bicyclists, children, seniors, and bus/rail users.
The Sustainable Mobility Plan coordinates with other City plans such as the Bicycle Master Plan, the Orange Blossom Trail Plan, and draft Transit Villages Specific Plan, and will help implement the environmental goals in the Climate Action Plan. It will expand the range of transportation options for residents, improve equity for disadvantaged communities, and ensure inter-connectivity between key destinations and public transit routes.
The Goals of the Sustainable Mobility Plan include:
- Expand options for active transportation in Redlands
- Build a safer multi-modal network
- Provide greater access to currently undeserved communities
- Encourage more sustainable transportation patterns
- Improve public health
The City Council adopted the plan on March 2, 2021, after approximately one year of preparation by the Municipal Utilities & Engineering Dept. in conjunction with the consultant Alta Planning + Design.
Bicycle Master Plan
The Sustainable Mobility Plan updated and incorporated the previous Bicycle Master Plan.
Orange Blossom Trail Plan
Downtown Parking Study
The City hired Walker Consultants to prepare a comprehensive Downtown Parking Study in 2023. The City Council reviewed the study and findings on December 5, 2023, and January 31, 2024 (click here to go to the staff report and meeting video).
Public Parking Lot Map (City of Redlands)
Redlands Parking Map (Parkopedia)
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
Click here to view the adopted Local Hazard Mitigation Plan.
The City’s Fire Department updated the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan in 2021. The purpose of this plan is to establish a five-year mitigation strategy to reduce and eliminate impacts from natural hazards and other hazards in Redlands. The scope of this plan is to: 1) assess relevant existing conditions and capabilities within the City; 2) identify potential hazards and their impacts within the City; and 3) propose mitigation polices and actions to reduce the potential impacts from such hazards within the City.
The draft Local Hazard Mitigation Plan was completed in early 2021, and included review and approval by the California Office of Emergency Services (OES) as well as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The City Council adopted the final Local Hazard Mitigation Plan on November 16, 2021.
The Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update directly implements Chapter 7, Section 7.4 (Safety) of the 2035 General Plan, specifically Policies 7-P.37 and 7-P.38 as well as Actions 7-A.127 through 7-A.134.
Go to the Fire Department webpage (click here) to view the Emergency Management page.
Resources for Wildfire Preparedness:
- Hardening Your Home
- Create Defensible Space
- Wildfire Home Retrofit Guide
- Fire Smart Landscaping
- Wildfire Action Plan – brochure
- Calif. Gov. Code section 51182
- Cal Fire – Current Emergency Incidents webmap
- California Dept. of Forestry & Fire Protection (Cal Fire) homepage
- California Dept. of Insurance – FAIR Plan
- Redlands GeoHub: City of Redlands High Fire Hazard Zone map
- Cal Fire: Fire Hazard Severity Zone map (Areas of State Responsibility)
- Redlands Fire Dept. - Community Risk Reduction Division
- RMC Chapter 15.30: Wildland-Urban Interface Code (for construction materials & methods)
Resources for Earthquake Preparedness:
- Earthquake Warning California webpage
- Earthquake Hazards Zone map (by California Geological Survey)
- Homeowner’s Guide to Earthquake Safety (English)
- Homeowner’s Guide to Earthquake Safety (Spanish)
- Guía de Seguridad Sísmica del Propietario de Viviendas
- California Earthquake Authority webpage
- California Earthquake Insurance Policies
Resources for Flood Preparedness:
- FEMA Flood Zones Map (ArcGIS)
- FEMA document: Protect Your Home From Flooding
- FEMA: National Flood Insurance Program
- Calif. Dept. of Water Resources: Quick Guide to NFIP in California
- RMC Chapter 15.32 - Flood Damage Prevention
- City of Redlands – Emergency Services webpage
Resources for Power Outage & Rolling Blackouts:
- Ready.gov
- Red Cross power outage checklist
- Southern Calif. Edison (SCE) Rebates & Incentives
- Calif. Public Utilities Commission