Police Chief will hold town hall meeting Nov. 13


Oct. 31, 2017 – Redlands Chief of Police Mark A. Garcia will discuss issues of local law enforcement and current crime trends and answer questions from the public during a town hall meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 13, at the Redlands Elks Lodge No. 583, 663 New York St.

In addition to answering questions from the audience, Chief Garcia will also take questions live via the Redlands Police Department’s Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/RedlandsPoliceDepartment. Questions will be answered live online as time permits.

Chief Garcia’s regular Town Hall meetings are part of the Redlands Police Department’s efforts to promote citizen involvement, in keeping with the City of Redlands’ commitment to transparency in every aspect of City government. By taking questions via Facebook the department also hopes to accommodate residents and address concerns of those who have other commitments or obligations but wish to have specific questions answered.

All are welcome and there is no cost to attend the meeting.