Residents invited to apply for commission openings
The City of Redlands invites individuals to apply for positions on the Municipal Utilities/Public Works Commission and the Traffic and Parking Commission. Members are appointed by the City Council.
The Municipal Utilities/Public Works Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council and advises and assists the Municipal Utilities and Engineering Director, City Manager and other city departments by providing citizen review and input concerning all aspects of the management and operation of public works projects and facilities, thereby providing a direct channel for utilization of the citizen expertise available in the community. The Municipal Utilities/Public Works Commission meets on the first Monday of even numbered months at 4 p.m.
The Traffic and Parking Commission carries on educational activities in traffic matters, supervises the preparation and publication of traffic reports, receives complaints relating to traffic matters and recommends to the City Council ways and means of improving traffic conditions and the administration and enforcement of traffic regulations. This commission also advises the City Council on the development of adequate parking for commercial and retail uses, recommends policies to encourage, develop and support adequate parking within the City, recommends actions for the establishment of long-term parking plans for the City and, in particular, the Downtown Redlands Business Area, and advises the City Council in the administration of resources for the development of parking. The Commission may also assist other advisory groups such as the Planning Commission in matters relating to parking. The Traffic and Parking Commission meets bi-monthly on the fourth Thursday of odd-numbered months at 6 p.m.
Deadline for filing applications for either position is Oct. 22.
Residents interested in applying for any of these non-salaried positions may request an application form from the City Manager’s Office, Civic Center, 35 Cajon St., Suite 200, Phone: 798-7510, or by downloading an application from the City’s website at