Statement on RPD enforcement of public health orders requiring face coverings
During the current public health crisis, the Redlands Police Department continues to proactively patrol the City, protecting our residents and businesses, and to respond to calls for service and reports of crime. As always, we will prioritize calls for service based on call volume, available personnel and the severity of the call, with violent crimes, immediate threats and crimes in progress as our top priority.
On April 7, 2020 the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health issued updated public health orders requiring the use of face coverings at all times while outside your home, the maintenance of social distancing, the prohibition on vehicle parades, and other provisions. We are relying on the community to take these precautions seriously and honor the social contract we have to protect one another during the current pandemic, leaving officers available to respond to other critical public safety needs. In all cases, we will work with individuals and businesses to achieve voluntary compliance and limit potential exposure for both the public and our personnel.
Please stay home and when it is necessary to leave your home, wear a face covering and maintain at least six feet of distance from others. We remind the public that compliance with all public health orders at this critical time protects you, your loved ones and all of those around us.