Huanglongbing (HLB) Citrus Quarantine
Asian Citrus Pysllid

Asian Citrus Psyllid pets on a citrus leaf
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has established a citrus quarantine area that includes all of San Bernardino County.

The quarantine prohibits the movement of all citrus fruit or plants out of the quarantine area. Provisions exist to allow the movement of commercially cleaned and packed citrus fruit.

If you are a grower within the new quarantine expansion area, please contact CDFA’s emergency quarantine response program at 916-654-0312 for information on these provisions.

Fruit that is not commercially cleaned and packed, including residential citrus, such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and kumquats, must not be moved from the property on which it is grown, although it may be processed and/or consumed on the premises.

Residents are urged to take several steps to help protect citrus trees:

  • Spray the citrus trees on residential property.
  • Within quarantine areas consume home-grown citrus fruit at home and do not transport home-grown citrus or citrus plants out of the area.
  • Do not move citrus plants, leaves, or foliage into or out of the quarantine area or across state or international borders. Keep it local.
  • Cooperate with agricultural officials placing traps, inspecting trees, and treating for the pest.
  • If you no longer wish to care for your citrus tree, consider removing it so it does not become a host to the pest and disease.

The following vendors are able to treat citrus trees for both commercial and residential customers.


Brightview Landscape Services, Inc.
Dan Crayne - email

Bradley Hungerford – email