Public Access to Council Approved Documents


The City Clerk’s Office is dedicated to promoting open government and offering public access to public records. The City of Redlands uses a digital document archiving system known as Laserfiche. The City utilizes this system to retrieve, manage, and distribute paper and electronic records more efficiently and effectively. The public may access such information through Weblink, which delivers these documents via a familiar web-browser interface. Users can browse, search, retrieve, download, and print City Clerk’s documents.  If the record you are looking for is not listed or found in the online library, you may make a public records request here.

Currently, users can access a variety City Clerk’s documents using the following link:

City Clerk’s Online Documents

Ordinance No. 1000

*Note: If you receive an error message, there are likely too many users at one time. Please wait a few minutes and reload the page.  If the problem persists, contact the City Clerk’s Office at (909) 798-7531.


How to Use WebLink to Access City Clerk’s Documents


Browse-mode is the default mode of WebLink. It lets you click through folders and file names, much like you would with computer file folders.

Once you are on the main WebLink page you will see a list of different folders that are available to you. Click with your mouse on the folder that interests you until you see a list of documents that will appear on the main section of the page. These will be the documents for your review. Just double-click the document icon to open it up to full view.

The Laserfiche document management system that WebLink “talks” to is a scanning-based system. In turn, WebLink will show you graphic representation of documents. They´re relatively fast loading and you can page through them using the header controls.


The search function is one of its most powerful features. Hit “Search” in the main header bar to switch from “Browse” mode to “Search” mode. Note the “Search for:” field that´s come up on screen-left. It works like many Web search tools.

If you´ve searched and clicked to a document, but want to return to your search list, use the “x” button.

Clicking on a specific search result brings up a number of other options in the window just below the “Document Name” list.


Use the PDF button and either print or save the PDF file to your computer.