Water Systems Master Plan (2022)


The 2022 Water Systems Master Plan (WSMP) includes the City’s three (3) water systems: Non-Potable Water (NPW), Potable Water (PW), and Recycled Water (RW) Systems. The most critical outcome of the 2022 WSMP is the development of comprehensive five-year and twenty-year capital improvement program (CIP) recommendations to improve distribution efficiency, reduce non-revenue water, and accommodate growth within the City water service areas.

The ultimate goal for all three (3) water production and distribution systems is to ensure long-range sustainability for each of these water resources. The City intends to use recommendations developed and identified through this Master Planning process to reduce non-revenue water in each system, maximize the use of non-potable wells to extract contaminants from groundwater resources, and eventually hopes to serve all significant users with non-potable and/or recycled water for landscape irrigation and industrial uses.

Water Systems Master Plan:click here