Claims Against the City


The City’s Risk Management Division is committed to thoroughly investigating and responding to claims filed against the City for allegations of misconduct, negligence, or wrongdoing. To file a claim against the City, please review the instructions below, and provide the requested evidence and forms to the City Clerk’s office to begin the process.

Claim Forms

Claim Forms are available online by clicking this link: CLAIM FORM

Please include with the claim form any photos, police reports, receipts, invoices, statements, or other evidence that you would like considered with your claim. If you would like to submit this information digitally AFTER you have submitted a claim to the City Clerk, you may contact the Risk Management Division at (909)798-7514. 

If your claim results in damages, the City requires that you provide 2 estimates from 2 separate vendors that are not associated with one another. All evidence will be reviewed with the claim, with requests for additional information being made as necessary by the Risk Management Division. 

Failure to complete all sections of the claim could delay the processing of the claim and could result in the return or denial of the claim. Claimants will be notified in writing of the outcome of the claim request.