General Plan 2035


The City’s current General Plan is a policy document, or “blueprint” for future development, adopted by the City Council to guide future growth in Redlands.
The award-winning 2035 General Plan is organized around Themes (or chapters), which include policies and actions to guide future development.

The seven Themes in the 2035 General Plan are:

1. Distinctive City 
2. Prosperous Economy
3. Livable Community
4. Connected City
5. Vital Environment
6. Healthy Community
7. Sustainable Community

The State-mandated elements of Land Use, Circulation, Open Space, Conservation, Health & Safety, Noise, and Housing are all integrated within the Themes noted above. In May 2018, the new 2035 General Plan won the award for ”Comprehensive Plan – Small Jurisdiction” from the Inland Empire Section of the California Chapter of the American Planning Association. 

click here to view the interactive online general plan land use map

Download the General Plan map in PDF format

2035 General Plan

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Distinctive City
Chapter 3: Prosperous Economy
Chapter 4: Livable Community
Chapter 5: Connected City
Chapter 6: Vital Environment
Chapter 7: Healthy Community
Chapter 8: Sustainable Community

General Plan EIR

Draft EIR
DEIR Appendices
Final EIR

Report on Redlands Community Vision

Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Plan (2017)


Climate Action Plan Update

The City has begun the process of updating the 2017 Climate Action Plan, which is anticipated to take the remainder of this year to prepare and finalize.

Project Schedule

The following is an overview of the anticipated schedule for the project (tentative and subject to change).

Image of CAP Update schedule

Progress Report & GHG Inventory Update

Click here to view and download the Progress Report

The Planning Commission reviewed the Progress Report on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 (click here to go to the Agendas page and read the staff report). The City Council is tentatively scheduled to receive the presentation on the Progress Report on Tuesday, July  2, 2024

Community Outreach

The update will include several community outreach tasks (to include an online survey, community workshops, and study session with the Planning Commission). These tasks are anticipated to occur in the summer of 2024. To sign up for future notifications regarding public participation or other meetings/hearings, please contact Jazmin Serrato, Assistant Planner, by sending an email to ‘‘.  

For More Information

For general questions about the Climate Action Plan or the update in progress, please contact Jazmin Serrato, Assistant Planner, by sending an email to ‘‘.  

General Plan Amendment

From time to time, individuals or the City may wish to amend the General Plan. The State of California allows this to be done up to four (4) times each year. Since the City is limited to four General Plan Amendments per year, each proposal to do so must be carefully considered in advance. Prospective applicants should speak with Planning staff in advance (prior to submitting an application) to discuss their project or idea for a General Plan Amendment. 

In order to process a General Plan Amendment, one must complete an application and pay the required Planning application fees. For further information, go to the Development Process Introduction page and click on the links for the Legislative Application Form and the Planning Fee Schedule. Review of the proposal must include the Planning Commission at a noticed public hearing, and the City Council will subsequently make the final decision.

2021-2029 Housing Element

Click here to go the current 2021-2029 Housing Element webpage. 

2023 Annual Housing Element Progress Report

2013-2021 Housing Element

NOTE: City Council adopted the new 2021-2029 Housing Element on February 1, 2022.
Click here to view the new 2021-2019 Housing Element.

2013-2021 Housing Element

2022 Annual Housing Element Progress Report
2021 Annual Housing Element Progress Report
2020 Annual Housing Element Progress Report
2019 Annual Housing Element Progress Report
2018 Annual Housing Element Progress Report
2017 Annual Housing Element Progress Report
2016 Annual Housing Element Progress Report
2015 Annual Housing Element Progress Report
2014 Annual Housing Element Progress Report