



Climate Action Plan Update

Go to this page for more information about the Climate Action Plan Update project.


Current Development Projects

Go to this page to view current development projects and applications. 


Development and Entitlement Process

Image of a Planning arrow sign

The Development & Entitlement Process page provides a brief overview of the steps needed for your project to be considered, from the time of initial submittal to a final decision.


Home Occupations and Child Care Homes

Click on this link for further information how to conduct business from your home. In addition, information is provided about Family Day Care Homes and Child Care Homes in residential districts. 


Housing Element

The new 2021-2029 Housing Element was certified and adopted in 2022. 

2021-2029 Housing Element (click here)

Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (Subsequent EIR) for the RHNA Rezoning project is now available for public review and comment: click here to view the document.  


Measure U
Growth Management Initiative

Measure U was an initiative approved by the voters of Redlands in 1997 to enact several principles of managed development within the City of Redlands. The principles in Measure U have been incorporated throughout the new 2035 General Plan, as well as several sections of the Redlands Municipal Code. 


Mills Act Program
Historic Preservation Contract

The City of Redlands invites applications from property owners to participate in the city’s Mills Act program, designed to encourage the preservation of historic properties in Redlands.


Specific Plans and Community Plans

This page provides links to the Transit Villages Specific Plan, the East Valley Corridor Specific Plan, other specific plans, and other area plans such as the Sustainable Mobility Plan and the Redlands Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan.