Climate Action Plan Update


Go to this page for more information about the Climate Action Plan Update project.

Climate Action Plan Update

The City has begun the process of updating the 2017 Climate Action Plan, which is anticipated to take the remainder of this year to prepare and finalize. After completion of the public outreach process (described below), the Draft Update document is expected to be completed and available by the 1st Quarter 2025.

Climate Action Plan

What is the “Climate Action Plan”?

The 2017 Climate Action Plan is designed to reinforce the City’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and demonstrate how the City will comply with State of California’s GHG emission reduction standards. As a Qualified GHG Reduction Strategy, the CAP will also enable streamlined environmental review of future development projects, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

The Climate Action Plan (CAP) includes the following elements:

  • An inventory of the City’s GHG emissions;
  • Forecasts of future GHG emissions within the City;
  • Monitoring and reporting processes to ensure State targets are met; and
  • Options for reducing GHG emissions beyond State requirements that could be adopted at a future date, if so needed or desired.

The 2017 CAP was prepared concurrently with the City of Redlands 2035 General Plan (adopted in December 2017), and the CAP provides analysis of GHG emissions to the year 2035, which is also the horizon year for the General Plan.

Image of cover page for Climate Action Plan

Click on link to view the document: Climate Action Plan

Since more than five years have passed since the adoption of the 2017 CAP, the document is due for a progress report and updating to reflect current implementation (as well as incorporate new more stringent State goals for further GHG reduction). The monitoring report will include information on the status of the federal and State level emissions reductions measures identified in Chapter 3 of the CAP, as well as any new efforts or updated policies that may emerge.


Progress Report 

Click link to view the document: Progress Report & GHG Inventory Update


The Planning Commission reviewed the Progress Report on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 (click here) or go to the Agendas page.

The City Council received a presentation on the Progress Report on Tuesday, July  2, 2024 (click here) or go to the Agendas page


La Comisión de Planificación revisó el Informe de Progreso el Martes 11 de Junio de 2024 (haga clic aquí) o vaya a la página de Agendas.

El Ayuntamiento recibió una presentación del Informe de Progreso el Martes 2 de Julio de 2024 (haga clic aquí) o vaya a la página de Agendas.

Community Workshops

The update includes several community outreach tasks, including the following.

  • Monday, October 7, 2024 – In-Person Community Workshop
    An in-person Community Workshop was held on October 7, 2024, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the City Council Chamber located at 35 Cajon Street.
  • Wednesday, October 9, 2024 – Online Community Workshop
    An online Community Workshop was held on October 9, 2024, from 6:00 to 7:00 PM via Zoom. 

To sign up for future notifications regarding public participation or other meetings/hearings, please contact Jazmin Serrato, Assistant Planner, by sending an email to ‘‘.  


La actualización incluirá varias tareas de extensión comunitaria, incluendo las siguientes:

  • 7 de Octubre de 2024 – se realizará un reunión comunitaria en persona de 6:30 PM a 8:00 PM en el salon del Ayuntamiento ubicada en 35 Cajon Street.
  • 9 de Octubre de 2024 – se llevará a cabo un reunion comunitaria por línea de 6:00 PM a 7:00 PM a través de Zoom. 

Para inscribirse para recibir notificaciones futuras sobre la participación pública u otras reuniones/audiencias, comuníquese con Jazmin Serrato, Asistente de Planificación, enviando un correo electrónico a ‘‘.


Community Survey

An online Community Survey will be available from October 7 through October 20, 2024. 

7 de Octubre de 2024 hasta el 20 de Octubre de 2024 – estará disponible una encuesta comunitaria por línea. Vuelva a consultar aquí para ver los enlaces disponibles a las encuestas.

Available from: October 7, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.

Deadline to respond: October 20, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.




To sign up for future notifications regarding public participation or other meetings/hearings, please contact Jazmin Serrato, Assistant Planner, by sending an email to ‘‘.  

Para inscribirse para recibir notificaciones futuras sobre la participación pública u otras reuniones/audiencias, comuníquese con Jazmin Serrato, Asistente de Planificación, enviando un correo electrónico a ‘‘.

For More Information

For general questions about the Climate Action Plan or the update in progress, please contact Jazmin Serrato, Assistant Planner, by sending an email to ‘‘.  

Si tiene preguntas sobre el Plan de Acción Climática o la actualización en progreso, comuníquese con Jazmin Serrato, Asistente de Planificación, a través del correo electrónico ‘‘.