

Water and Wastewater

For more than 90 years, the City of Redlands has been in charge of providing high quality drinking water to the Redlands and Mentone areas. More than 75,000 residents in Redlands, Mentone, parts of Crafton Hills and San Timoteo Canyon, and a small part of San Bernardino depend on Redlands Municipal Utilities & Engineering Department to provide water service to their homes and businesses. By supplying a blend of local groundwater, local surface water, and imported water from the State Water Project, Redlands Municipal Utilities & Engineering Department is able to meet the daily demands of these customers.

City of Redlands Draft Triennial Public Health Goals (PHGs)

City of Redlands Water Shortage Contingency Plan

2020 Upper Santa Ana River Watershed Integrated Regional Urban Water Management Plan



Water Quality

Consumer Confidence Report

Each year Redlands Municipal Utilities Department publishes its Consumer Confidence Report to keep you, our customer-owners, up to date about water quality issues related to your drinking water system. Reports are published in June with data on the previous year’s water testing results.

Redlands Municipal Utilities Department is committed to providing water that meets or surpasses all state and federal water quality standards at the lowest possible cost for our customers.

2024 Consumer Confidence Report


PFAS Information

Understanding Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).


Water System


Water Stock

The City has ownership in a variety of private and mutual water companies to supply water to the City’s Tate and Hinckley surface water treatment plants. For decades the City has increased its ownership in these companies in an effort to increase its access to a reliable local source of water. The City’s founders were wise to realize the value of this commodity and sought ownership of water rights in the surrounding tributaries and from local water companies and water right owners.