Utility Advisory Committee


Utility Advisory Committee (UAC)

The Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) shall:

  • Review current water and wastewater rates, charges, and revenue requirements bi-annually;
  • Recommend water and wastewater rates that provide revenue which:
    1) Recover costs reasonably borne;
    2) Are equitable to all customer classes;
    3) Comply with all state and federal regulations; and
    4) May be easily ​explained to customers.
  • Prepare and present its recommendations to the City Council.

Chapter 3.41 of the City of Redlands Municipal Code

  • In 2002, Chapter 3.41 established procedures for the review of the City’s water and wastewater rates, charges, and revenue requirements on a regular basis.
  • It states water and wastewater utilities must remain fiscally self-supporting, and require rates and charges to be established to be established that provide sufficient revenue to recover the reasonable costs incurred by providing water and wastewater service to its customers.
  • A regular review will provide the City with the basis necessary to meet fiscal obligations to ensure ongoing fiscal stability. 

Chapter 2.70 of the City of Redlands Municipal Code

  • In 2008, Chapter 2.70 further defined the responsibilities of the UAC, established the existence, membership, members (forfeiture by absence), organization, power, duties, and responsibilities. ​
  • City Council will appoint 7 voluntary members who are City water or wastewater utility customers representing various customer classes;
  • Members shall serve for a 2 year term until a successor is appointed and shall serve no more than 2 consecutive terms unless appointed to an additional term by 4/5 vote of the City Council;
  • Members shall be customers of the City of Redlands’ water or wastewater system and neither an elected official nor an employee of the City.

Staff Liaison: Sara White, 909-798-7527

Agenda for the UAC meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 6:30 PM



The following members comprise the 2024 UAC who had been appointed to serve a 2-year term which expires January 16, 2026:

John E. James, Chair
Sid Jain, Vice-Chair
Desiree Reyes
Brandon Lopez
Aholibama Ojeda
Dan Jimenez 
Richard Corneille