City, Police and Fire News


City, Police and Fire News


Possible Rotating Power Outage

The City of Redlands has received a warning from Southern California Edison and the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) that could lead to potential rotating customer power outages today.  If these CAISO rotating outages occur, they typically last about an hour. This warning expires tonight at midnight. Please reduce energy use to help avoid CAISO rotating outages.


City, Bowl host virtual theater workshop with Stars of Tomorrow

The City of Redlands Recreation Division offers a free virtual theater workshop sponsored by the Redlands Bowl Performing Arts and taught by Stars of Tomorrow. The workshop theme is the classic story, “The Adventures of Robin Hood,” and is designed for children ages 6-16.

Enrollment is now open and students may choose one of six workshop times at 9, 10 or 11 a.m. on Aug. 5 or 6. The workshop will be conducted online via Zoom.


Community Gardens reopen with health and safety guidelines

The City of Redlands Recreation Division’s three community garden sites — Lugonia Gardens, Smiley Gardens, and Clement Gardens – have reopened with new health and safety guidelines in place for all gardeners.


Redlands to host blood drives with LifeStream, Red Cross

The City of Redlands is partnering with LifeStream and the American Red Cross to host separate blood drives next week. The City and LifeStream will host a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, July 22, at Redlands City Hall, 35 Cajon St. A second blood drive with the American Red Cross will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, July 23, at the Redlands Community Center, 111 W. Lugonia Ave.


State Department of Public Health issues new closure orders

This guidance and the Statewide Public Health Officer Order, dated July 13, 2020:

Closes, on a statewide basis, indoor operations for certain sectors, and both indoor and outdoor operations for bars and similar establishments, consistent with the June 28 and July 1 restrictions on counties on the County Monitoring List.


Rail project paving to temporarily close Orange Street Friday

A map displays the detour around a section of Orange Streeet that will be closed for paving. The detour goes west on Redlands Boulevard from Orange Street to Eureka; north on Eureka to Stuart; and east on Stuart to Orange Street. Southbound traffic on Orange Street follow this in the other direction, beginning west on Stuart.

To better coordinate with the City of Redlands pedestrian crossing improvement project on Orange Street, contractors for the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority’s are moving up plans to pave Orange Street at the railroad tracks south of Stuart Avenue as part of the Redlands Passenger Rail Project.


Weekend outdoor dining to begin on State Street July 9

Following State of California Public Health guidance that prohibit indoor dining at all restaurants in San Bernardino County as of July 1, the City of Redlands, working with local downtown restaurants, will begin closing portions of East State Street and Fifth Street on weekends to facilitate outdoor dining, beginning July 9.

On July 1, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the new restrictions on indoor dining, along with other business sectors, effective immediately. The restrictions are in place for at least three weeks.


New public health restrictions put in place at Community Park

A sign at one of Community Field's baseball fields announces that the field is closed to organized sports.

The City of Redlands has closed seven ballfields located in Community Park. The closure comes in response to new restrictions on youth sports and social-distancing guidelines adopted by San Bernardino County and the State of California.

Under the new restrictions, recreational team and youth sports of any kind, including for purposes of conditioning, drills and exercise activities, are not permitted in City parks. Until further notice, the ballfields located in Community Park will be locked and will not be available to the public.


Pedestrian safety improvements installed at first intersections

New crosswalk improvements at Redlands Boulevard and Fifth Street

The City of Redlands has completed two pedestrian crossing improvements along Redlands Boulevard at Fifth and Seventh streets. Five more crosswalk improvements will be constructed on Redlands Boulevard at Ninth, State and Clark streets; on Orange Street and Shoppers Lane; and on Citrus Avenue at Central Avenue.


Don’t blow it this 4th of July; fireworks are illegal in City limits

While most professional Fourth of July fireworks shows have been canceled locally this year due to public health restrictions on public gatherings, the Redlands Fire Department and the City of Redlands are reminding residents that all other fireworks – including so-called “safe and sane” fireworks – are still illegal in the City of Redlands.


City of Redlands to host Redlands Kids Care Poster Contest

The City of Redlands is pleased to offer the Kids Care Poster Contest for Redlands school and pre-school students of all ages. Have fun and help our community stay safe by entering the contest now through June 19. This contest is co-sponsored by the Redlands Chamber of Commerce, Citrograph Printing Co. and the Rochford Foundation.


Skatepark reopens; other facilities also set for reopening

A young man rides his scooter at the Redlands Skatepark.

In keeping with State and County public health recommendations, City staff are working on plans to reopen several City facilities and loosen restrictions on others. Users are encouraged to continue to maintain appropriate physical distancing and wear face coverings when in close contact with people outside their own household.

On Wednesday, May 27, the Redlands Skate Park was reopened after more than two months. Basketball courts at several Redlands parks will be reopened by the end of the week.


Household Hazardous Waste collection site set to reopen

The Redlands Household Hazardous Waste site at 500 Kansas St. is scheduled to be reopened on Saturday, May 30 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Beginning with this weekend’s reopening, the site will be staffed by the County of San Bernardino Fire Protection District Household Hazardous Waste Division staff.


Applications sought for Human Relations Commission

The City of Redlands invites individuals to apply for a position on the Human Relations Commission.

The Human Relations Commission was established to foster peaceful relations among persons of different races and national origins. This commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council and to aid the City in achieving better human relations by providing assistance to all persons or groups in promoting good will and better relations among all people. The Human Relations Commission meets on the second Monday of odd-numbered months at 5:45 p.m.


Redlands Community Foundation seeks support for Meals for Seniors program

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, the City of Redlands Senior Services Division has teamed with the Redlands Community Foundation to establish a “Meals for Seniors Fund.”

To date more than $3,000 has been raised, which has provided 500 meals to Redlands low-income seniors who are at high risk and are unable to leave their homes.


County Program Wants to Help Small Businesses Become COVID Compliant

The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors has introduced the San Bernardino County COVID Compliant Business Partnership that will direct $30 million in funding to help small businesses offset some of the costs needed to meet public health guidelines when reopening.

The new program will provide $2,500 grants to local companies that meet County and State safety and health guidelines. Participating businesses will be issued a window sign noting that “This Business Partner is COVID Compliant” — offering reassurance to employees and customers that their health is a priority.


City assistance available as County begins Phase 2 reopening

UPDATE: On Tuesday, May 12, Gov. Gavin Newsom updated the state’s guidelines, adding new categories of businesses that can begin reopening.

Businesses added to participate in Phase 2 reopening include:


A place for those who need help and those who wish to donate

In an effort to provide a central location for those in need and those who wish to make donations during the Covid-19 pandemic, the City of Redlands and the Redlands Service Club Council created the “Redlands Strong – Caring During COVID-19” web page.

The web page, which is linked to the City’s COVID-19 information page, includes sections “If you need help …” and “If you can offer help …” with links to meals, child care, medical and mental health services and others.


City assistance available as County begins Phase 2 reopening

The City of Redlands is working to assist local businesses as the County of San Bernardino begins implementing Phase 2 reopening of business under the State guidelines announced by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors late Thursday, May 7, announced some businesses can start to re-open Friday.


A reminder to residents and businesses to continue following public health mandates

Sign in a shop window that reads, "Sorry, we're closed" and text saying, "Slow the Spread of Covid-19"

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to engulf our country, we feel acutely the effects on the health and safety of our friends and neighbors as well as the economic struggle felt by businesses and employees in Redlands.  With the number of confirmed cases in the county doubling every 10 days and the growing number of deaths from the virus, it is clear that it is not yet time to relax our vigilance.