Currently, applications are being accepted for residents of
District 1, District, 2 and District 4.
Deadline for filing applications is March 26, 2025
The Measure T Oversight Committee is an independent committee
established to serve in an advisory capacity to the city council
for the purpose of providing independent advisory review of the
proposed expenditure of revenues generated by the City’s
transactions and use tax. The committee shall advise the city
council regarding the use of transactions and use tax revenue,
according to the priorities set forth in each fiscal year adopted
budget. The duties of the committee shall include review of
the City’s expenditure of revenues received from the one percent
(1%) transactions and use tax imposed by Measure T, on an annual
basis; act in an advisory capacity to the city council in all
other policy matters pertaining to Measure T funds; and present
an annual written report to the city council.
Residents interested in applying for the non-salaried position on
this commission may request application forms from the Office of
the City Clerk, City Hall, 35 Cajon Street, Suite 4 or by phone
at 909-798-7510.
Measure T Application